Our top 3 ways to transform your outdoor living and entertaining space
Hard Landscaping
HARD LANDSCAPING is an excellent way to completely transform your garden by adding form and structure. By using gravel, brick, paving and other hard materials, a plain garden or driveway can become a rich space with defined areas for entertaining, play and relaxation, while also creating an engaging way of moving through them that feels like a journey. Plus, it requires less maintenance than soft landscaping and is less affected by the weather, so you can enjoy your space all year round.

With the current volatility of the property market, why risk entering the market when your current space could be so much more? Not to mention that the value of your property will increase anyway should you eventually choose to sell. Here are five great additions you could make to your garden with our hard landscaping services.
By paving a small-medium sized area for stability and adding a table, chairs and the ever-important barbecue itself, you can create an excellent space to entertain your friends and family over the summer months. It’s a great way to coax the kids off their phones and into the garden with the promise of food and you get to show off your grilling skills and make great food for all your guests. A perfect addition.

In the same theme as the barbecue area, a fire pit is an excellent addition for those warmer nights when you can happily sit outside after it gets dark. Again, paving can be used to provide stability, and then a bricked area is added for the fire to sit in, or a chimenea could be added to create a more aesthetically pleasing location for the fire to sit. A fantastic end to a hot summer’s day spent entertaining the barbecue area.
Hard landscaping can be used as a way to then make excellent soft landscaping additions, such as flowers, other plants and soil. Imagine a hard-landscaped gravelled path going through flowerbeds in the corner of a garden to create a secluded space for relaxing amongst nature, or perhaps adding a raised section around the garden border for a vegetable patch.
By using wooded materials, you can maintain a more natural feel to your garden while still providing a stable space to put tables, chairs or even an outdoor sofa. The decking can be positioned in order to get as much sun as possible, creating a great area for lounging around and reading on a warm day. Its raised nature also allows for decking to be used to cover unsightly features such as drain covers, while still providing access when needed.
Using hard landscaping for your driveway is a great way to ensure your home makes a great impression when people see it from the street. You can spice up your plain tarmac driveway with some interesting paving or gravelling. You could define the borders with hard landscaping and use soft landscaping to construct a small avenue lined with flower beds or small trees. Anyone walking or driving past your home is bound to be struck by the great first impression your home would make.